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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fill in the blanks with when, while, because, since, if, unless, before, after, wherever, although, so that, or as if.

  1. Before Edison invented a lamp which conducted electricity, gas had been the chief means of lighting home and streets.
  2. I saw an old friend of mine When I was entering the building.
  3. Because his car was much too small, he decided to sell it.
  4. He won’t pass the examination Unless he study harder.
  5. Wherever he went, he was warmly received.
  6. That executive acts So That he owns the company.
  7. If I get the money on time, i can go on my vacation.
  8. Before she spends a lot of money on clothes, they never seem to suit her.
  9. I have a lot of extra work to do When my assistant is on vacation.
  10. After they moved into an expensive apartment, they have become very snobbish.
  11. When someone broke into her house and stole her jewelry, she was next door chatting with her neighbour.
  12. It’s Wherever warm today, As If I’m going to the beach.
  13. Although my uncle has worked hard all his life, he could never save up enough money to go on a long vacation.
  14. We will go to the theatre with you tonight, If we can get a baby sitter.
  15. Don’t give this package to him Before he sign a receipt for it.
  16. We’re As If pleased with these new towels So That we’re going to buy some more.
  17. Because Hitler believed that Germans were the master race, he set out to conquer all of Europe.
  18. When I was in South America last year, I learned to speak Spanish.
  19. He looks As If he hasn’t ever changed his clothes.
  20. Repairs will be made When they are neccesary.

Friday, March 22, 2013

III. Substitute appropriate terms for the underlined words or phrases in the sentence below.

established                    functions                    guide
team                             positions                    phases
allocate                         attained                     move on

  1. Often a group of managers rather than an individual works on a particular project. Team
  2. Plans set up in the first stage are subject to revision throughout the duration of the project. Established
  3. Managers should periodically check to see how well comprehensive company goals detailed in the planning phase are being. Overall
  4. Organizational goals generally are achieved by success fully. combining the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Attained
  5. It is possible to divide the organizing function into two stages determining positions and their associated duties and then staffing those positions. Phases
  6. In order to apportion human resources properly, managers compare company objectives with the available resources. Allocate
  7. Classified advertisement in newspapers and professional journals provide a list oh jobs that are available, a brief description of each job and a telephone number or an address. Positions
  8. One of the roles of a supervisor is to direct workers in order to maximize their talents and increase their efficiency. Guide